Our Commitment to Alaska
APFC’s long-term stewardship, prudent management, and diverse investment strategy ensure the Alaska Permanent Fund will continue to be safeguarded and wisely invested for the benefit of generations of Alaskans. Though we continue to find ourselves in extraordinary times, be assured that our staff is working at capacity and is fully engaged in managing the portfolio to find opportunities within the current market and limiting the downside impacts to the Fund.
Notes on Performance
Reflected in the APFC June 30, 2022 Performance Report are the successes and challenges faced by the portfolio over the past year. Following a year of record returns and explosive growth in global markets, forecasted market volatility and inflationary pressures are now impacting Fund performance.
Amid these global economic pressures, the total Fund performance is down 1.32% for the fiscal year 2022. That said, the Fund significantly outperformed the passive benchmark of -14.64% and the performance benchmark of -3.24%, for which Fund performance is measured in comparison.