Alaska’s Renewable Revenue curriculum

APFC and Alaska Resource Education (ARE) have collaborated to create engaging games to equip the future leaders of our great state with an understanding of Alaska’s largest renewable financial resource - the Alaska Permanent Fund.
Alaska has shown innovation and fortitude in converting the state’s non-renewable oil, gas, and mining resources into a financial resource to benefit generations of Alaskans. Through the foresight of our state’s leaders and consistent discipline, a portion of the royalties from Alaska’s rich natural resources are deposited into the Alaska Permanent Fund to be saved and invested by APFC. The revenues from the investment of the Fund support state programs and services, including an annual dividend for eligible Alaskans.

Partnership with Alaska Resource Education

APFC is proud to partner with Alaska Resource Education (ARE). ARE's mission is to educate students about Alaska’s resources, providing statewide educational opportunities to students and teachers. As APFC is responsible for managing the largest financial renewable resource in the state, our collaboration promotes well-informed and responsible future leaders.

OutReach & Education

APFC has developed all-inclusive, packaged kits for teachers to use in their classrooms!

If you're interested in a teacher training or opening your classroom to our guest teachers with ARE, send us an email with your name, city, school, and class information (grade, subject, and number of students).

Click Here to Send us an Email

Resources for the Classroom

Curriculum WOrkBook

Download to view the full workbook, including lesson plan materials and activity components. The PDF workbook can be used in the classroom and at home and includes replacement game pieces and links to videos.

Download the Workbook


Educational Videos

The curriculum utilizes two videos for students to watch in the classroom. Watch the videos below to learn more about the Alaska Permanent Fund, investing, and how diversification ensures stability and maximizes returns.

Alaska’s Renewable Revenue is a curriculum created to teach and empower Alaska’s youth about the existence and purpose of APFC and the Fund, financial literacy, the Fund’s structure, investment management, and how the Fund is used to convert non-renewable mineral resources into a renewable economic resource.

The curriculum consists of three games to familiarize students with finances, the Fund’s role in the state, and how investors use diversification to ensure stability and maximize returns.

CREATE-A-STATE: Students will learn about how Alaska became a state due to its natural resources and challenge them to think about how they can transform a nonrenewable resource into a renewable resource.

BEST TO INVEST - A RENEWABLE FINANCIAL RESOURCE: Students will demonstrate how the Alaska Permanent Fund is managed as a renewable financial resource for Alaska.

FUND MANAGEMENT SIMULATION: Students will role-play management of the Permanent Fund and help make sure it is able to benefit Alaskans today and in the future.

The curriculum aligns with state standards in Math, Science, Government, and History to support Alaska’s teachers and students. These fun and educational games provide high schoolers with a foundational understanding of Alaska’s economic future, empowering them with knowledge and skills for the future. To learn more about the statewide educational program.

Alaska's Future Leaders

In addition to training teachers and equipping classrooms with the workbook and inclusive kits, ARE also has a hands-on approach. ARE has partnered with teachers and school districts to work with students directly to teach Alaska's Renewable Revenue curriculum. To date, ARE has taught the curriculum in over 20 class sections and over 650 high school students.