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Fund Performance
APFC Quick Facts
The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) manages the assets of the Alaska Permanent Fund, a globally recognized sovereign wealth fund. Established in 1976, the Fund preserves Alaska's non-renewable mineral and oil wealth as a renewable financial resource for current and future generations of Alaskans. The Fund also serves as the primary source of revenue for Alaska's unrestricted general funds, supporting the state's economic stability and prosperity.
APFC is a quasi-independent state agency with one mission: to manage and invest the assets of the Alaska Permanent Fund and other funds designated by law.
The Alaska Permanent Fund is the largest sovereign wealth fund in the United States, with $80.5 billion in assets as of the end of FY24. For more information, visit
The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporations operates as a separate state entity under the oversight of an independent, professional Board of Trustees who serve as fiduciaries of the Alaska Permanent Fund. The APFC Board of Trustees sets investment policy, reviews the portfolio’s performance, and works together with management to determine the Corporation’s strategic direction.
Viewed as one of the largest, most effective, and globally-positioned institutional investors among U.S. investment plans, the Permanent Fund is also positioned to participate fully in the future economic opportunities in both industrialized and high-growth emerging markets. To that end, APFC is actively partnering with leading investment managers and institutional investors operating on each major continent with the objective of gaining access to the most compelling investment opportunities around the globe as they arise.
By adhering to an investment practice which ensures investment efficiency (whereby investment returns are compensated for the risks undertaken), prudent diversification, and best-in-class access to compelling opportunities, APFC hopes to continue its history as being among the best-managed sovereign wealth funds in the world, all while helping to serve Alaska’s current and future generations for many decades to come.
APFC is committed to meeting the performance objectives established by the Board of Trustees and achieving the goals set forth in APFC’s Strategic Plan to develop and fully implement best-in-class asset allocation and asset class investment capabilities to produce target long-term total returns. Our investment performance and financial results are disclosed through monthly and annual reports.
The Total Fund Value is comprised of the Principal (nonspendable) and the Earnings Reserve Account (spendable). The Fund market value, which is based upon the previous day’s market close, fluctuates daily based on the current market conditions. Monthly financial statements reflect the current value of the Fund. An annual report is produced at the end of each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) which contains year end Fund values, performance and audit information.
APFC 2024 Annual Report
APFC's 2024 Annual Report, "Illuminating the Future," has been released at The report highlights key financial performance metrics, strategic asset allocation, and the results of its annual third-party financial audit. The report underscores the Fund’s critical role in supporting Alaska’s economy.
The establishment of the Fund and Corporation was and remains visionary—to secure Alaska’s financial future through the prudent and diversified investment of a portion of our state’s resource-based wealth.

An Alaskan's Guide to the Fund
Alaska is more reliant than ever on the Permanent Fund. We are pleased to present the 2020 edition of "An Alaskan's Guide to the Permanent Fund."
This booklet offers the basics on the Alaska Permanent Fund, its history, how APFC manages and invests these assets, and its essential role in Alaska's future.