Value Generated for Alaskans
Realized Earnings (since inception)
Long Term Performance
5% Revenue Draw
Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation in FY23
The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation’s (APFC) team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals is committed to the stewardship of one of Alaska’s most precious resources and the largest sovereign wealth fund in the US.
The Alaska Permanent Fund was created to generate wealth into perpetuity based on the recognition that oil reserves would not have the same lasting power. By generating wealth from its non-renewable foundation, the Permanent Fund has become, as intended, an enduring financial resource.
APFC’s vision is to deliver outstanding returns for the benefit of all current and future generations of Alaskans. Accomplishing this vision requires skilled and capable professional staff, consistent discipline in adhering to long-term strategies, and durable accountability to our stakeholders.
Processed 8,640 internal trades with a value of $155 billion.
67 full-time positions with 2 APFC Interns working on behalf of our fellow Alaskans.
Monitored investments in more than 90 countries around the globe, denominated in 42 different currencies.
Leveraged AI-driven technologies to increase agility and scalability.
Accounted for more than 47,000 transactions every month across 800 bank accounts holding 17,000 unique investments.
Developed high school curriculum with Alaska Resource Education to engage students and teachers in Alaska.
A word from Executive Director
Deven Mitchell
The year proved challenging for all investment markets, but the Alaska Permanent Fund once again demonstrated its resilience by withstanding economic headwinds. We can credit the Fund’s performance to our team’s innovative strategies and decades-long emphasis on investing for stability and long-term growth through broad asset diversification.
Fund Values and Returns
Total Principal
Total Earnings Reserve Account
Total Return
OF Trustees
Our Board of Trustees is established in state law as an independent body responsible for overseeing APFC senior management and providing guidance for the Permanent Fund’s investment strategies, including goals, restrictions, and risk tolerance.
“The Fund continues its transition into a vitally important source of recurring revenue for Alaska, providing a stabilizing influence on the fluctuating income our state receives from resource extraction industries by providing the majority of the state’s operating budget. This stable, predictable contribution pays for the annual Permanent Fund dividend and supports essential state services,” writes Chair Schutt in his letter on page 9. “The Fund’s importance to generations of Alaskans elevates our mandate.”
Ethan Schutt
Jason Brune
Gabrielle Rubenstein
Craig Richards
Adam Crum
Commissioner of Department of Revenue
Ryan Anderson
Commissioner of Department of Transportation and Public Facilities