Upcoming APFC Board of Trustees Special Meeting

In Uncategorized by Jennifer Thorsteinson

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation’s (APFC) Board of Trustees will hold a Special Meeting on November 9, 2021, for the purpose of discussing: (1) the active resolutions of the Board and whether any of these resolutions should be amended or repealed; (2) the active resolutions of the Board as they relate to the Percent of Market Value (POMV); and (3) the fiscal rules of sovereign wealth funds & the principles outlined in Trustees’ Paper Volume 9.

The public is invited to attend this meeting in person or via webinar and there will be an opportunity for public comment and participation at the beginning of the meeting. Please see the agenda for meeting details (location, time, and webinar link).

11.9.21 APFC Board of Trustees Special Meeting Agenda
11.9.21 BOT Special Meeting Packet

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APFC Board of Trustees discusses Fiscal Year 2021 Performance at Annual Meeting in Kodiak

In Uncategorized by Paulyn

Kodiak – The Board of Trustees met to review the fiscal year 2021 (FY21) investment performance of the Alaska Permanent Fund (Fund), strategic and background information from several of APFC’s investment partners and members of the Investment Advisory Group, as well as electing corporate officers and approving a budget proposal which will be brought forth for inclusion in the FY23 operating budget.

As published in the Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report, the Fund grew from $65.3 billion at the end of FY20, closing the fiscal year 2021 with a historic high total value of $81.9 billion. Now supporting more than 73% of the State of Alaska’s unrestricted spending, the Permanent Fund transferred $3.1 billion through the statutory Percent of Market Value (POMV) draw to the State in FY21. This rules-based structure allowed for a 5.25% annual draw from the Fund (statutorily decreasing to 5% beginning in FY22).

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Invested with Alaskans – APFC FY21 Annual Report

In Uncategorized by Paulyn

Forty-five years ago, visionary Alaskans voted to establish the Alaska Permanent Fund. As the Fund’s investment manager, the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation works to benefit all Alaskans through our responsible stewardship of Alaska’s largest renewable financial asset. Under the guidance of the appointed Board of Trustees, with support from the Executive and Legislative branches for resources, and with reporting transparency for our Alaskan stakeholders, APFC will always be INVESTED WITH ALASKANS.

The APFC FY21 Annual Report is now available highlighting the record returns and high value from the past fiscal year. The report illustrates the  interconnection of the Corporation’s role in prudently investing and managing the Fund, as well as the industries that contribute dedicated revenues to help grow the Fund and the generations of Alaskans who benefit from the Fund’s earnings.

Learn more about the strategies, investments and management of the Alaska Permanent Fund in, Invested with Alaskans – APFC FY21 Annual Report

Upcoming APFC Board of Trustees Annual Meeting

In Uncategorized by Jennifer Thorsteinson

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) will hold the Board of Trustees Annual Meeting on September 28-29, 2021 in Kodiak and via Webex. The public is invited to attend this meeting in person or via webinar and there will be an opportunity for public comment and participation at the beginning of the meeting. Please see the agenda for meeting details (location, time, and webinar link).
APFC Board of Trustees Annual Meeting_Agenda
2021 APFC BOT Annual Meeting Packet

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Women in Finance

In APFC Perspectives by Paulyn

Diversification in action

“I don’t think of finance as a man’s world,” reflects Angela Rodell, CEO of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC), “I think of finance as male-dominated – but it’s not their world.”

It has long been understood that the best way to achieve the most stable, best performing, and sustainable investment returns is achieved through a diversified portfolio. It should not come as a surprise, therefore that diversified teams lead to better performance and enhance investment returns. One of the biggest challenges the investments industry faces is the lack of diversity, specifically, women in investment roles within the nation’s most prominent investment institutions. Diverse teams, including those with more women, bring different perspectives and new approaches to potential investment opportunities and help an institution successfully lead the way into new fields and changing markets.

According to a 2021 report by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF), women are CEOs at only eight of 72 sovereign wealth funds, and less than a quarter of those have any women in senior management or board level positions. Ranked number 3 globally by OMFIF for Gender Balance, APFC has made significant achievements supporting women in leadership, including 33% of our Board of Trustees, 50% in the C-suite, and several other high-level women directors and managers of departments and portfolios. This diverse group has posted APFC record level returns of 29.73% for the last year, beating all three of its board-mandated benchmarks for 3, 5 and 10 years.

Starting from within

To maximize returns for the benefit of their stakeholders, managers at many investment institutions are given the freedom to build their teams. Candidates with the most similar educational and sociological backgrounds are often chosen because of beliefs that they will create a more cohesive team. Raising awareness of our unconscious biases is the first step in starting from within.

APFC is committed to maintaining a diverse workplace, and our corporate culture starts with the individual personalities of our staff. We make a conscious effort to build teams that bring multiple views, experiences, and ideas while instilling our corporate values of integrity, stewardship, and passion.

“Some women may feel intimidated by the idea of investing,” says Sarah Clark, APFC Risk Officer; she encourages them to “throw away those fears and know that women who do participate can succeed, and succeed brilliantly!”

It is always easier to look for solutions elsewhere; however, APFC recognizes that these issues must be resolved without relying on outside mandates or rules. Successful change comes internally through our self-developed policies and attitudes.

Managers need to raise their self-awareness of potential unconscious bias and consider candidates who bring different perspectives from non-traditional backgrounds. Changes to hiring practices where gender-identifying references are removed from a resume and cover letter help more women make it through the initial screening process. These changes raise the possibility of lifting our corporate standards, building better and more diverse teams, bringing with them a wider array of skills, ideas and solutions.

Getting more women in the system earlier creates a conduit to ensure that ambitious and highly educated women experience the fulfillment of a career in the finance industry, which is crucial to ensuring they stay and grow in this field.  Strengthened partnerships locally with the University of Alaska, Alaska Pacific University and our Alaska Native Corporations will help identify talented young women to participate in the APFC internship program with the goal of providing a career path for entry-level professional women which is nurtured.

“These investments will pay off when a woman becomes Chief Investment Officer,” says Rodell “by having a younger woman make her way through our corporation, we will have recognized our ultimate success.”

North of the Financial District

Once teams are hired, it is important to continue efforts to retain the diverse workforce that has been built. Young professionals benefit from mentors and peer groups, but also sponsorship. At APFC, some managers have been recognized for frequently empowering staff, including young women new to the industry. Sponsorship goes beyond mentorship by encouraging younger staff to lead projects and presentations, raising their profile in a professional setting amongst more senior colleagues. These actions have the dual benefit of proving the capabilities of a young professional and strengthening the confidence of the individual.

Throughout her career in finance and government, in New York and Alaska, Rodell says that on her way to the top seat at APFC, she didn’t experience explicit gender barriers to obtaining or excelling in her profession. This isn’t to say that it was easy or that she didn’t have support. The professional networks she experienced in New York and elsewhere do not exist in Alaska. Finding role models and mentors required recognizing the many different skills people offer and apply.

Retention of a diverse workforce also requires organizations to recognize the personal demands on staff and provide support outside the workplace. The pandemic inspired a shift in the physical location of staff at investment institutions, and APFC took advantage of the opportunity, adjusting within the changing landscape to focus on becoming more family-oriented. Ultimately, being a family-oriented workplace is not just about women. It is vital to create an environment that allows men to participate as well, encouraging them to take time off and contribute to their families outside of work. Having the vision to build a stronger team, the established trust and integrity developed within our corporation allow us to pursue this level of flexibility, knowing that performance will not be compromised in the work we do for Alaskans.

Finding a balance between being a responsible investor and raising a family is possible for women in this industry, says Masha Skuratovskaya, APFC Senior Portfolio Manager, “Women should cast a wide net and choose an employer that empowers them and respects their commitment to family, while having the additional benefit of being located near places and activities they enjoy.” For her, the deciding factor to come to APFC was the ability to grow professionally as a global bond manager, while living in the mountains and eliminating the nuisances like traffic and long commutes, that detracted from time spent with her children.

A prudent investment, women and diversity in finance

Women and men lead differently, act, think, negotiate, collaborate and plan differently. We need to include these varied perspectives to ensure a sustainable and diversified approach to investing. Starting within and encouraging men in the profession to encourage, mentor and sponsor women in decision-making positions will make the most immediate and meaningful impacts. Building the pipeline to bring more young women into the industry will generate the long-term real value in our corporation that we look for in investments across our portfolios.

“Women alone should not and cannot solve this problem,” says Rodell, “It’s a human problem and an industry problem to be solved collectively.” Having diversity in finance empowers us to include the most talented, brilliant and creative minds, men and women, to solve our greatest challenges and deliver the best possible outcomes for our stakeholders, or in the case of APFC, all current and future generations of Alaskans.

Upcoming APFC Board of Trustees Budget Work Session

In Uncategorized by Jennifer Thorsteinson

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) will hold a Board of Trustees Budget Work Session on September 8, 2021 via Webex. The public is invited to attend this meeting via webinar (link is in the agenda) and there will be an opportunity for public comment and participation at the beginning of the meeting.
APFC Board of Trustees Budget Work Session #2 Agenda
APFC BOT Budget Workshop #2 Packet

$81.9 B Final FY21 End of Year Permanent Fund Value

In Uncategorized by Paulyn

APFC Board of Trustees’ Audit Committee reviewed the FY21 audited financial statements confirming a fiscal year-end Fund value of $81.9 billion resulting from an all-time portfolio performance high-mark of 29.73% for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021.

Since its inception through FY21, the Permanent Fund has seen an annualized return of 9.12% and paid out more than $33.9 billion to current generations of Alaskans through transfers to the State’s General Fund and Dividend Appropriations.

A full analysis and review of Permanent Fund activity and performance will be discussed at the APFC Board of Trustees Annual Meeting in Kodiak and via webinar, and published in the APFC Annual Report available on September 28. APFC Board and Committee information is available at https://apfc.org/the-board-of-trustees/board-of-trustees-meetings/.

July 2021 Financial Statements are also now available.

July 1 marked the beginning of Fiscal Year 2022, the change from the end of FY21 total Fund value of $81.9 billion to the July 31 value of $79.3 billion is due to the FY22 POMV appropriation moving out of the Earnings Reserve Account within Total Fund Balance and into the liabilities section of the Fund.  The Fund also had positive revenues and received royalties in the first month of the new fiscal year.  The FY23 POMV draw is now reflected as a commitment to the ERA.

July financial statements show the Fund’s total value was $79.3 billion.

The Principal totaled $66.2 billion, consisting of two parts:

$51.0 billion in permanent savings contributions (includes the $4 billion FY22 special appropriation)
$15.2 billion in unrealized gains

The Earnings Reserve Account totaled $13.1 billion, consisting of three parts:

$6.7 billion of uncommitted realized earnings
$3.4 billion of committed realized earnings to the FY23 POMV draw
$3.0 billion in unrealized gains


Upcoming APFC Board of Trustees Meetings – September 2

In Uncategorized by Jennifer Thorsteinson

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) Board of Trustees will hold an Audit Committee Meeting and Budget Work Session on September 2, 2021 at the Atwood Building – Rooms 102/104, 550 W 7th Ave, in Anchorage. The public is invited to attend this meeting in person, or via webinar (links are in the agendas) and there will be an opportunity for public comment and participation at the beginning of both meetings.
Audit Committee Agenda
APFC Board of Trustees Audit Committee Packet
Budget Work Session Agenda
APFC Board of Trustees Budget Work Session Packet

Permanent Fund closes record year at historic high value

In News by Paulyn

On June 30th, APFC finished Fiscal Year 2021 by recording an all-time high value for the Alaska Permanent Fund of $81.1 billion. Preliminary results indicate the Fund returned 29.73 %, a record strong performance as well.

The unaudited results for the Fiscal Year show the Principal of the Fund, consisting of two parts, totaled $60.1 billion. The permanent savings contributions were valued at $46.9 billion, and there were $13.2 billion in unrealized gains.

The Earnings Reserve Account totaled $21.0 billion, consisting of four parts. The uncommitted realized earnings were valued at $9.3 billion, and there were $4.6 billion in unrealized gains. The ERA had $3.1 billion in committed realized earnings available for the FY22 POMV draw and $4.0 billion committed to the Principal as a Special Legislative FY22 Appropriation*.

An independent third party conducts an audit of the Alaska Permanent Fund’s financial statements on an annual basis. In accordance with our statutory obligation under AS 37.13.170, the audited financial statements are published in our annual report and made available to the public at the time of the Board of Trustees Annual Meeting. This year’s annual meeting will be held in Kodiak on September 28-29, 2021.

*Please note that the July 31, 2021, the start of the fiscal year 2022 financial statements, will reflect the deposit of the $4 billion to Principal.

Looking Ahead at Fiscal Year 2022

In News by Paulyn

July 1, 2021, marked the start of APFC’s 2022 Fiscal Year. As we set forth into the new Fiscal Year, following the timely resolution of the state’s operating budget, we recognize the commitment and continued professionalism of APFC staff who have been working diligently to support our fellow Alaskans. APFC remains fully operational and we continue to actively manage the assets of the Permanent Fund, identifying and acting on compelling investments to deliver on our mandate of generating outstanding returns for the benefit of all current and future generations of Alaskans.

Along with the start of the new Fiscal Year is the adjustment of asset allocations to fit within the targeted ranges established by the Board of Trustees every 5 years. This shift of assets across the Fund’s 8 asset classes includes 1 percent decreases in Public Equities and Fixed income investments, while increasing investments in Real Estate and Private Equity by 1 percent. The other asset classes are targeted within the same allocations through FY25. The total portfolio mix is intended to represent the expectations of the Board’s long-term vision while conforming to their approved risk appetite for the Fund.

As the Principal of the Fund is protected constitutionally, the Earnings Reserve Account is available for legislative appropriation. State Legislature has an established Percent of Market Value formula for sustainable withdraws from the Fund set at 5 percent annually.

A $3.1 Billion POMV draw will be transferred to the State of Alaska during FY22, which represents the primary revenue source for the state. Revenue generated by Permanent Fund investments now constitute more than 70% of the state’s general fund – meaning that 70 cents of every 1 dollar spent on education, public safety, transportation and other essential services and programs comes from the Fund’s earnings.