July 31 Financial Statements

In Uncategorized by Paulyn

Start of FY21 financial statements for the Alaska Permanent Fund are now available.

As of July 31, 2020, the Alaska Permanent Fund has an unaudited total value of $63.6 billion.

  • The Principal value is $53.3 billion; which includes
    • $46.6 billion in constitutionally protected deposits
    • $6.7 billion in unrealized gains
  • The value of the Earnings Reserve Account (ERA) is $10.3 billion; which includes
    • $5.5 billion of unspent realized earnings
    • $3.1 billion commitment for the FY22 POMV draw
    • $1.7 billion in unrealized gains

The July 31, 2020 financial statements include the revised June 30, 2020 values for fiscal year-end 2020.

2020JULY31 APFC Financial Statements

2020JULY31 APFC History and Projections