Committed to Generating a Maximum Risk-Adjusted Return

In Uncategorized by Paulyn

The Board would like to ensure Alaskans that APFC is committed to generating a maximum risk-adjusted return to benefit generations of Alaskans through prudent investments across a number of asset classes. Despite difficult market conditions, the Fund has earned positive returns this calendar year.

Alaskans may not realize that the Earnings Reserve Account supports inflation-proofing the Principal for the future and currently supports more than 50% of the state’s operating budget to support essential services and programs, including the dividend program, through the annual percent of market value draw.

In anticipation of a market cycle such as the one we are currently in, the Board of Trustees has been on record for more than 20 years to transition the Fund from its current two-account system to a one unified account system, which would protect the intergenerational sustainability of the Fund to provide for all generations.