Trustees Assess Market Outlook and Opportunities for Real Estate

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Paulyn

Juneau – The Board of Trustees held its quarterly meeting at the Elizabeth Peratrovich Hall in Juneau and simultaneously via webinar on May 19-20, 2021, to review the performance of the Alaska Permanent Fund through the third quarter of fiscal year 21 (FY21), review risk metrics, assess the capital markets outlook, incorporate updates in the investment policy, get an update …

APFC BOT Quarterly Board Meeting

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Jennifer Thorsteinson

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) Board of Trustees will hold their Quarterly Meeting on May 19-20, 2021. The public is invited to attend this meeting via Webinar (information listed on the agenda linked below) or in person at the address below*. There will be an opportunity for public comment and participation at 8:30 a.m. when the meeting commences. If …

APFC Board of Trustees Audit Committee Meeting

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Jennifer Thorsteinson

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) Board of Trustees will hold an Audit Committee Meeting on May 18, 2021. The public is invited to attend this meeting via Webinar (information listed on the agenda linked below) or in person at the address on the agenda. There will be an opportunity for public comment at 2:30 p.m. when the meeting commences. …

APFC Adds Two Experienced Professionals to its Private Equity and Special Opportunities Team

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Paulyn

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation has recently added two experienced professionals, Chirag H. Shah, Senior Portfolio Manager, and Nader Sohraby, Senior Associate, to its $13B+ Private Equity and Special Opportunities team. Steve Moseley, Head of Alternative Investments at APFC, said: “We are very excited that Chirag and Nader have joined us to expand our capabilities and help deliver excellent investment …

Board of Trustees Held Asset Allocation Workshop

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Paulyn

APFC’s Board held a virtual workshop to review the long-term asset allocation plan for the Alaska Permanent Fund and the capital market projections provided by Callan, APFC’s general consultant. Asset allocation is a primary component of a long-term, risk-adjusted return and is based on strategic decisions: return objective, risk appetite, liquidity need, and resources. Angela Rodell, Chief Executive Officer, states …

Board Asset Allocation Workshop on April 5, 2021

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Jennifer Thorsteinson

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) Board of Trustees will hold an Asset Allocation Workshop on April 5, 2021. The public is invited to attend this meeting via Webinar (information listed on the agenda linked below) or telephonically. There will be an opportunity for public comment and participation at 1 p.m. when the meeting commences. If the public wishes to …

Angela Rodell Elected Chair of the PPI Board

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Paulyn

APFC congratulates Angela Rodell on being elected Chair of the Pacific Pension & Investment Institute’s (PPI) Board of Directors. CEO Angela Rodell was elected to serve as the Chair during PPI’s Annual Meeting on February 24, 2021. “Angela is deeply respected among her investment peers and the global PPI Community. She has brought tremendous insight to PPI’s board, and we …

Trustees Adopt Risk Tolerance Metrics for Long-Term Investment Management

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Paulyn

Juneau – The Board of Trustees held its quarterly meeting via webinar on February 17-18, 2021 to consider the Alaska Permanent Fund’s mid-fiscal year performance, assess risk appetite for the portfolio, review capital markets insights, and assess the long-term asset allocation. The Board adopted a quantitative risk metric to support its comprehensive asset allocation review. APFC’s risk appetite is defined …

APFC Board of Trustees Quarterly Meeting

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Jennifer Thorsteinson

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) will hold its Quarterly Meeting of the Board of Trustees on February 17-18. The public is invited to attend this meeting via Webinar (information listed on the agenda linked below) or telephonically. There will be an opportunity for public comment and participation at 8:30 a.m. when the meeting commences on February 17. If the …

Notice of APFC Regulation Changes

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Paulyn

APFC’s investment authority under AS 37.13.120 (a) Investment Responsibilities requires the Board of Trustees to adopt regulations “specifically designating the types of income-producing investments eligible for investment of fund assets” in accordance with the prudent investor rule. AS 37.13.206 Regulations guides this process, including the public notice requirements. APFC is proposing to amend the regulation regarding the investment of permanent …