“Since 2003 the Board of Trustees has endorsed using a percent of market value, or POMV, methodology for determining how much should be drawn from the Alaska Permanent Fund. A POMV establishes a limit to the amount that can be drawn from the Fund and is based on its average annual market value over five years. … We have had a constitutional and statutory contract with Alaskans in place since the Fund’s creation more than 40 years ago, an agreement as to how deposits and withdrawals are made. As the Alaska Permanent Fund is central to policy decisions pertaining to the composition of state funding, it’s time for Alaskans to establish a new contract to support the evolution and continued health of the Fund by adopting a POMV structure. …”
Alaska Permanent Fund’s Market Value Exceeds $65 billion
The Alaska Permanent Fund (Fund) has reached an unaudited market value of well over $65 billion, a new record high. Current market values are easily accessed by clicking on the Daily Fund Market Value link on our homepage.
$63 billion and counting: How long can Alaska’s Permanent Fund keep growing so fast? – KTOO, Alaska’s Energy Desk
“Alaska owns a massive investment account, and lately, it has been growing rapidly. In the last fiscal year, Permanent Fund Corporation Chief Executive Officer Angela Rodell said the corporation is up 12.5 percent. …We made $7 billion dollars …”
Five rules for investment from Alaska’s Permanent Fund Corporation – KTOO, Alaska’s Energy Desk
“…Alaska’s Permanent Fund Corporation invests billions in private companies … how do they pick the next big winner out of a sea of potential companies …”
APFC Board of Trustees Evaluate Performance and Internal Management Opportunities
The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation Board of Trustees considered a comprehensive agenda during their quarterly meeting in Anchorage on December 12 & 13, 2017. In addition to the quarterly review of performance, asset allocation activities, and management reports; their agenda included stress scenario analyses of proposed draws to the Earnings Reserve Account (ERA) and a panel discussion on building in-house management capabilities.
APFC Quarterly Board of Trustees Meeting – December 12 and 13, 2017
The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) will hold its Quarterly Meeting of the Board of Trustees on December 12-13, 2017 in Anchorage, AK. The public is invited to attend this meeting in-person or by teleconference; there will be an opportunity for public comment and participation. Agenda items include: A risk and asset allocation overview, asset class updates, a performance report from Callan Associates, a compensation review, as well as a panel discussion on the opportunities and limitations for internal management of fund assets.
Permanent Fund Increases Stake in High-tech Startup and Other Private Firms – Alaska Dispatch News
“…The fund’s investment in private companies has grown as managers look to diversify alongside a stock market that has risen for years, adding holdings that provide long-term promise and stability, said Angela Rodell, the fund’s CEO, on Friday. …”
Permanent Fund Trustees Seek Inflation-Proofing Bill – Alaska Journal of Commerce
“The Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. Board of Trustees unanimously passed a resolution directing corporation executives to pursue legislation to strengthen inflation-proofing mechanisms for the corpus of the $61 billion Permanent Fund, and passed motions requesting an exemption from state procurement codes and to add up to 10 new employees to its Juneau headquarters. …”
Advisers Recommend Permanent Fund Lower Its Expectations; Trustees Defer Action – Juneau Empire
“The Alaska Permanent Fund’s trustees are putting off advice from the fund’s advisers and staff to lower their expectations. …”
The Board of Trustees Approves Strategic Measures to Advance APFC’s Mission
Juneau – The Board of Trustees reviewed the fiscal year 2017 (FY17) investment performance of the Alaska Permanent Fund (Fund), considered capital market projections and approved measures to advance the strategic mission of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation during their Annual Meeting on September 27 and 28, 2017 in Juneau. Chief Executive Officer, Angela Rodell, stated “our constitutional mandate requires us to invest the Fund in perpetuity for all generations of Alaskans. The Board of Trustees has put in place tools and measures which recognize the climate we find ourselves in and allow us to continue on a path of success.”