APFC Welcomes the Reappointment of APFC Trustee Ethan Schutt

In Uncategorized by Paulyn

Trustee Ethan Schutt was reappointed by Governor Dunleavy to the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation Board of Trustees.

“I am honored to continue serving on the APFC Board of Trustees,” Trustee Schutt remarked. “My commitment to serving in the best interest of Alaskans – both current and future generations – remains steadfast.  In working together, we ensure the growth and prosperity of Alaska’s renewable financial resource.”

Trustee Schutt will continue to serve as a Fiduciary for the Alaska Permanent Fund in one of the four public member seats, serving staggered four-year terms. He served his first term on the Board from 2020 to 2024 and has served as Chair since 2022.