APFC Governance Committee Advances Modernization Efforts

In Board of Trustees by Juliette Alldredge

JUNEAU, AK — The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation’s (APFC) Board of Trustees Governance Committee convened today to advance ongoing efforts to modernize and enhance the Corporation’s governance practices. The committee reviewed recommendations to communications and governance policies, including updates to investment advisory, audit, cybersecurity, and communications protocols.

The recommendations aim to align APFC’s governance framework with industry best practices and support the organization’s mission of prudent and sustainable management of the Alaska Permanent Fund.

“This is a critical step in our continued commitment to strong governance,” said Ellie Rubenstein, Chair of the Governance Committee. “These recommendations reflect a comprehensive review and are designed to ensure APFC remains at the forefront of best practices in investment management and oversight.”

A summary of proposed amendments will be presented to the full Board of Trustees for consideration during the upcoming meetings scheduled for July 24 in Fairbanks, as well as during the annual meeting on September 25-26 in Anchorage. Proposed recommendations include the following:

  • Update the Charter of the Investment Advisory Group
  • Revise Audit Committee Processes and Purview
  • Establish a Communications Committee or Process for Enhanced Alignment
  • Utilize External Resources to Adopt Best Practices

APFC CEO Deven Mitchell emphasized the importance of these forward-looking reforms. “Good governance is foundational to our work at APFC,” said Mitchell. “These proposed updates are part of our approach to ensuring transparency, accountability, and long-term success in serving the interests of all Alaskans.”

Read the full press release here.