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Frequently Used Terms and Acronyms

Absolute Return Portfolio
APFC’s Absolute Return Portfolio is one of APFC's asset classes designed to invest in hedge fund managers uncorrelated to overall markets. Absolute Return Strategies are an array of investment strategies designed to produce returns uncorrelated with market performance and independent of traditional benchmark indices.

Alternative Asset  
Most investment plans include investments that are not traditional asset classes. APFC considers alternative investments to be assets other than common stocks and bonds.

Alaska Permanent Fund ("the Fund")
Created in 1976 to save a portion of Alaska’s oil revenues for the needs of future generations of Alaskans. APFC manages and invests the assets of the Fund.

As one of the first sovereign wealth funds and the largest state-level fund of its kind in the U.S., the Fund has gained worldwide recognition as a model for converting non-renewable natural resources into a renewable financial resource. The Fund’s total assets are approximately as of March 31, 2024, and are invested across a broad range of assets, including equities, fixed income, alternatives, and real estate. The Board of Trustees serves as fiduciaries of the Fund and oversees APFC.

Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (“APFC”)  
The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, commonly referred to as “APFC,” was created by the Alaska Legislature in 1980 as a quasi-independent state entity tasked with the important mission of prudently investing and managing the assets of the Alaska Permanent Fund (the Fund). The Board of Trustees serves as fiduciaries of the Fund and oversees APFC.

Alpha is a term commonly used in investing to describe an investment strategy's ability to beat the market, or its "edge." Active portfolio managers like APFC seek to generate alpha in diversified portfolios.

Anything owned that has economic value, such as stocks, bonds, or real estate, can be called an asset. An asset can over time generate cash flow, reduce expenses, or improve sales.

Asset Class  
An asset class is a grouping of investments with similar characteristics that are typically subject to the same laws and regulations. The Fund is invested across eight asset classes:

(1) Public Equities, (2) Fixed-Income, (3) Private Equity, (4) Real Estate, (5) Private Income: Infrastructure, Private Credit & Income Opportunities (6) Absolute Return, (7) Tactical Opportunities, and (8) Cash.

Assets Under Management (AUM)  
Assets under management, often referred to as “AUM,” is the total market value of a fund’s investments.

Asset Allocation  
Asset allocation is an investment strategy that seeks to balance risk and reward by distributing investments among different types of assets. APFC’s Asset Allocation is reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Trustees and is intended to deliver risk-adjusted returns over the long term for the benefit of Alaskans.