Upcoming Board of Trustees Special Meeting

In Uncategorized by Jennifer Thorsteinson

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation’s (APFC) Board of Trustees will hold a Special Meeting on October 30, 2023 in Juneau at the location identified in the agenda, linked below. The primary topic for the Special meeting is the Corporation’s Strategic Plan. The meeting will also cover committee assignments for the year and meeting locations for 2024 and 2025.

The public is invited to attend this meeting in person, via Webinar, or telephonically (please refer to the agenda). There will be an opportunity for public comment and participation at 10:30 a.m. when the meeting commences. If the public wishes to sign up for public comment, please indicate so when registering via WebEx. If you have any issues registering for public comment, please reach out to Jennifer Loesch (information in the agenda) at least one business day prior to the meeting.

October 30, 2023 APFC Board of Trustees Special Meeting Agenda
October 30, 2023 APFC Board of Trustees Special Meeting Packet – REVISED*

*The meeting packet provides pertinent information on agenda items and informs the Trustee’s policy deliberations. Please note the Trustees will discuss these items during a public meeting and take Board action to direct staff implementation. The Trustee’s decision-making process will lead to setting the strategic initiatives through a board vote.

APFC values the public process and transparency that sets APFC apart as a leading Sovereign Wealth Fund.

Board of Trustees to focus on long-term strategic plan

In Uncategorized by Paulyn

The Board of Trustees discussed the long-term strategic plan during the annual meeting last week to set the stage for a special meeting of the Board in October.

The Board is actively working through a strategic planning process that will bring about more opportunities for progress to advance the work of the Corporation as a global investment advisor and grow the Alaska Permanent Fund to meet the needs of Alaska’s future.

It is important to note, as affirmed by our Board Chair Ethan Schutt during this process, that “as a public corporation, we value the transparency that our open meetings bring to the process of investing on behalf of Alaskans. With that comes the reality that our listeners need to recognize and differentiate between the preliminary discussion of ideas vs. acting to moving forward with a final initiative that only happens via board action, that is, a vote.”

A special meeting of the Board has been scheduled for October 30, 2023, to focus on this planning effort and final recommendations. The meeting will be held in Juneau via Webinar.


Providing for Generations of Alaskans

In Uncategorized by Paulyn

From APFC’s Executive Director

As a lifelong Alaskan, I am honored to lead one of the world’s most respected financial institutions, and every time I speak with a fellow Alaskan, I am reminded of the vital role our work plays in improving the quality of life in our state.

The Alaska Permanent Fund was created by Alaskans coming together and voting to amend the Constitution to dedicate, save, and invest a portion of the state’s oil and mining revenue to benefit all generations. As a public endowment, the wealth of the Fund is the responsibility of every resident of the state.

Together, we are obligated to protect it for both today and tomorrow. To do so, we need to understand the history of the Alaska Permanent Fund, its formation, how it works, how it is doing, and its role in the future.

I encourage Alaskans to take the time to gain a deeper understanding of the Permanent Fund. You can do so by reading the Annual Report: Trusted for Generations. Additionally, I encourage you to visit our website, attend public Board meetings, and follow our social media platforms on Facebook and LinkedIn.

As Alaskans, it is our responsibility to respect the contributions of our predecessors, support the current generation, and pave the way for future generations to benefit from the Fund.

Thank You.


APFC 2023 Annual Report

APFC Annual Mtg_Providing for Generations_Opinion


Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees

In Board of Trustees by Juliette Alldredge

The Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees was held to review the investment performance of the Alaska Permanent Fund for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). The Board also adopted the report of the annual third-party audit, advanced the strategic planning discussion to set the stage for a special meeting of the board in October, learned about generative technologies, and received market perspectives on the Real Estate portfolio from APFC staff and external investment partners.

In aggregate, the total Fund’s performance for the long term was favorable. Over the past 10-year period, the total Fund returned 8.42%, which exceeded the Board’s target return objective of 7.72%, the passive index of 5.89%, and the peer performance benchmark of 7.54%. However, in FY23, the total Fund’s performance of 5.18% did not meet the target return objective of 7.97% and underperformed the passive benchmark of 8.78% and the performance benchmark of 5.74%.

Fund's Long-Term Investment Performance Graph

Learn more about the Alaska Permanent Fund and the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation’s strategies, investments, and financial audit in the 2023 Annual Report – Trusted For Generations.

Full news release is available here.

APFC Board of Trustees Annual Meeting

In Board of Trustees by Jennifer Thorsteinson

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation’s (APFC) Board of Trustees will hold their Annual Meeting on September 27-28, 2023 in Anchorage at the location identified in the agenda, linked below. Agenda items include: asset class overview (real estate presentations), report of the annual audit, FY25 proposed budget approval, election of corporate officers, strategic plan discussion/update, and more.

The public is invited to attend this meeting in person, via Webinar, or telephonically (please refer to the agenda). There will be an opportunity for public comment and participation at 8:30 a.m. when the meeting commences on September 27, 2023. If the public wishes to sign up for public comment, please indicate so when registering via WebEx. If you have any issues registering for public comment, please reach out to Jennifer Loesch (information in the agenda) at least one business day prior to the meeting.

September 27-28, 2023 APFC Board of Trustees Annual Meeting Agenda
*REVISED* September 27-28, 2023 APFC Board of Trustees Annual Meeting Packet

Welcome Commissioner Ryan Anderson to the Board of Trustees

In Uncategorized by Paulyn

APFC welcomes Ryan Anderson, Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Commissioner, to the Board of Trustees.

In joining APFC’s Board, Trustee Anderson brings a depth of public service and commitment to serving fellow Alaskans across our State.

Governor Dunleavy appointed Commissioner Anderson to one of the two seats on the Board reserved for heads of principal departments of state government per AS 37.13.050.

Trustees Look Towards Strategic Planning and Trustees Paper #10

In Uncategorized by Paulyn

The Board of Trustees held a Special Meeting on September 6-7, 2023 to discuss the FY25 budget proposal and upcoming working group initiatives, and an Audit Committee on September 7, 2023 to review the FY23 independent audit report and consider the internal audit functions. The Board also took action to authorize the FY24 budget authority to enter a lease for the Anchorage satellite office.

The directive to open an Anchorage office is part of the Corporation’s 2020-2025 strategic plan and has been publicly discussed in meetings over the past four years. Throughout, the Board has been on record asking for progress on the satellite office. As recruitment and retention have been challenging for many employers, including APFC, considerations have been made to advance and assess tools, including adopting a remote-work policy. Opening an additional office in Anchorage, the state’s largest city will broaden the playing field by providing another option for employees. The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation’s headquarters will remain in Juneau, our home since 1980.

Given the state’s reliance on the earnings of the Fund to provide more than 50% of the undesignated general fund revenue stream, the Board considered the durability of the Earnings Reserve Account (ERA). Under the current two-account structure, the Principal contains savings that are used for income-producing investments and the Earnings Reserve Account holds the investment income that is available for the legislature to appropriate to support the state’s budget, including essential services and the dividend. The ERA is essentially the checking account of the Fund and it grows through statutory net income which is net realized gains generated through investment activity. Given current market conditions, the amount of income generated through investment activity has decreased compared to previous years. As a result, the spendable portion of the Permanent Fund is being used faster than it is being replenished.

This fall the Board of Trustees is taking on important initiatives to support the ongoing success of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation’s investment capabilities, enduring growth of the Permanent Fund as the state’s largest renewable financial resource, and its ability to provide to meet the needs of today’s generation as well as tomorrow’s.

The Special Meeting provided a discussion opportunity and a preliminary vetting of ideas associated with the Board’s long-term strategic planning efforts, the development of Trustee Paper #10, and an overview of the proposed FY25 budget.

  • Strategic Planning – A group of volunteer board members will start working with staff and KMD Services & Consulting to establish long-term goals for the Corporation and the Fund. This work will continue throughout the fall, and the resulting plan will provide a strategy for meeting the established goals, as well as clearly communicating the direction to our stakeholders. It is expected that this item will be included on future Board meeting agendas.
  • Trustees Paper #10 – A group of volunteer board members will work together with Dr. Malan Rietveld to research, write, and publish a policy paper on the Permanent Fund. As contemplated, the paper will include a history of the Fund, an overview of the Fund’s structure, insights into the durability issues under the current construct, and potential solutions to bring the Fund in line with modern endowment practices. As with former Trustee Papers, this study will anchor the history and policy direction for the Alaska Permanent Fund and the Corporation.
  • FY25 Budget Proposal – This budget request acknowledges the importance of APFC’s continuing success as the largest sovereign wealth fund in the US and the 2nd largest per capita globally. Budget resources are essential in ensuring that the Corporation can fulfill our vision of delivering outstanding returns for the benefit of all current and future generations of Alaskans. Accomplishing this vision requires skilled and capable professional staff, discipline in adhering to long-term strategies, and durable resources.

Board Chair Ethan Schutt notes, “As a public corporation, we value the transparency that our open meetings bring to the process of investing on behalf of Alaskans. With that comes the reality that our listeners need to recognize and differentiate between the preliminary discussion of ideas vs. acting to moving forward with an initiative that only happens via board action, that is, a vote.”

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held in Anchorage, Alaska, on September 27 and 28, 2023.


Start of FY24 Financial Statements

In Uncategorized by Paulyn

The financial statements for the beginning of the fiscal year 2024 (FY24) for the Alaska Permanent Fund are now available. As of July 31, 2023, the Alaska Permanent Fund has an unaudited total value of $75.7 billion. The value of the permanent deposits in the Principal is $56.5 billion with $12.4 billion of associated unrealized gains. The Earnings Reserve Account (ERA) has $3.7 billion committed to the FY25 annual draw to support state revenues, $1.4 billion to inflation-proof the Principal, $0.5 billion of uncommitted realized earnings and $1.2 billion of unrealized gains associated with current investments.

While positive performance returns were achieved in FY23 despite a high inflationary environment and relatively flat markets, the amount of income generated through investment activity has decreased compared to previous years. As a result, the spendable portion of the Permanent Fund is being used faster than it is being replenished.

While this is reflected in the start of FY24 financial statements, it is important to note the current fiscal year’s (FY24) percent of market value transfer for the State of Alaska is already accounted for. Additionally, there is sufficient money in the earnings reserve account to make next year’s (FY25) annual distribution to the State and support the FY24 appropriated inflation-proofing payment to the Principal, which are reflected as commitments on the financials.

To better inform Alaskans on the sustainability of the Fund to provide for generations, APFC’s Board of Trustees will be working on Trustee Paper #10. As contemplated, the paper will include a history of the Fund, an overview of the Fund’s structure, insights into the durability issues under the current construct, and potential solutions to bring the Fund in line with modern endowment practices. As with former Trustee Papers, this study will anchor the history and policy direction for the Alaska Permanent Fund and the Corporation.



Providing Alaska-based Opportunities for Professional Talent

In Uncategorized by Paulyn

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation’s vision is to deliver outstanding returns for the benefit of all current and future generations of Alaskans. Accomplishing this vision requires skilled and capable professional staff, consistent discipline in adhering to long-term strategies, and durable accountability to our stakeholders.  It also requires the fortitude to be adaptable, to grow, and to set forth meaningful action.

Expanding our in-state presence by opening a satellite office in Anchorage, in addition to the existing Juneau office, has been part of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation’s strategic plan for the past four years.  This strategy brings value to our stakeholders by providing an Alaska-based opportunity to enhance our recruitment and retention of talented, high-performing investment management professionals.

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation was created for the purpose of investing, safeguarding and accounting for the Permanent Fund for the long-term benefit of all Alaskans. As the largest sovereign wealth fund in US and 2nd largest per capita globally, APFC must meet or exceed the opportunities and resources available to our peers to achieve top investment returns. Recruitment and retention have been challenging for many employers, including APFC. Opening an additional office in Anchorage, the state’s largest city, will broaden the playing field by providing another option to retain existing employees and open another door to recruit new talent.

The directive to open an Anchorage office is part of the Corporation’s 2020-2025 strategic plan and has been publicly discussed in meetings over the past four years. Considerations have also been made to advance and assess additional tools, including adopting a remote work policy. Throughout, the Board has patiently insisted on progress on the satellite office initiative. APFC is now forward with a cost-effective solution to open a satellite office because of an opportunity to lease space in the state-owned Cordova Building located in downtown Anchorage.

It is recognized that expanding opportunities to recruit and retain world-class talent in Alaska is essential to the ongoing success of APFC’s ability to generate revenue for our State. APFC has staffing resources for full-time positions; currently, there are 12 vacancies. Numerous special board meetings have focused on improving the retention of qualified, high-performing staff and creating incentives to fill vacancies. To ensure the Corporation has all the tools necessary to support staffing needs, progress has been made on enhancing the organization’s culture, better defining and increasing pay scales, making remote work more accessible, and now the Anchorage office as part of those more extensive efforts.

The Alaska Permanent Fund is Alaska’s renewable financial resource, providing more than 50% of the revenue to support state services and programs.  It takes a team of dedicated corporate professionals to ensure that the expectations of our fellow Alaskans, partners, and stakeholders are met in meeting the performance objectives of investing billions of dollars of assets across a globally diverse and sophisticated portfolio.

At the forefront, the Trustees are entrusted with ensuring that the Alaska Permanent Fund is prudently managed and invested for the intergenerational benefit of all Alaskans. To do so, the Permanent Fund is invested for the long-term horizon – into perpetuity – permanently – to benefit generation after generation of Alaskans. We all must recognize that strategic growth, both for the Fund and the Corporation, is essential to the success of both.

While we recognize that this new satellite office has raised questions among Alaskans, we ask for your support in our initiative to provide additional Alaska-based staffing opportunities. In working with our statewide partners, we look forward to providing further flexibility for APFC’s leadership in recruiting and retaining world-class talent in Alaska.


The Board of Trustees

Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation


APFC Board of Trustees Meetings – September 6-7, 2023

In Uncategorized by IT Support

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation’s (APFC) Board of Trustees will hold a Special Meeting and an Audit Committee Meeting on the following dates:
September 6-7, 2023 – Special Meeting (times vary, see agenda)
September 7, 2023 – Audit Committee Meeting – 1-5 pm

The public is invited to attend these meetings in person, via Webinar (information listed in the agendas below), or telephonically.

Please see the agendas for more details.

September 6-7, 2023 APFC Board of Trustees Special Meeting Agenda
September 6-7 APFC Board of Trustees Special Meeting Packet *REVISED*

September 7, 2023 APFC Board of Trustees Audit Committee Agenda
September 7, 2023 APFC Board of Trustees Audit Committee Meeting Packet_revised