APFC Special Board of Trustees Meeting

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Paulyn

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) will hold a Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees on Wednesday, October 17, 2018 in Anchorage, AK. The public is invited to attend this meeting in-person or by teleconference; there will be an opportunity for public comment and participation.  The agenda includes incentive compensation and legislative initiatives and is available  under the Board of Trustees’ meetings page and thru the link below.

Special Meeting Agenda_2018OCT17

APFC Special BOT Meeting 2018OCT17_Updated

APFC Promotes Marcus Frampton to Chief Investment Officer

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Paulyn

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation announced today that Marcus Frampton, CFA, CAIA has been promoted to serve as the Chief Investment Officer.

Chair Craig Richards provides: “After considering many highly qualified applicants for the CIO position, the Board is convinced that Marcus is best situated to continue the remarkable success the Permanent Fund investment portfolio has recently experienced.”

“I am pleased that Marcus has been promoted to CIO, and it demonstrates APFC’s commitment to providing a rich work experience and opportunities for career growth,” said Angela Rodell, Chief Executive Officer. “Marcus has proven himself to be a passionate and dedicated investor, contributing a tremendous amount of value to the Alaska Permanent Fund. I have confidence in his ability to take the Fund forward.”

In reflecting on his new role, Marcus notes that: “It is a tremendous honor to have the opportunity to serve as APFC’s next Chief Investment Officer.  I appreciate the confidence and trust that is being placed in me and look forward to working hard to deliver on the objectives of APFC’s stakeholders.”

20180928_APFC CIO Marcus Frampton

APFC’s Board of Trustees Revisits Investing in Alaska

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Paulyn

The Board of Trustees reviewed the fiscal year 2018 (FY18) investment performance of the Alaska Permanent Fund (Fund) with presentations from Callan Associates and the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation’s (APFC) asset class directors, approved a FY2020 budget, and accepted the Annual Audit as presented by KPMG. As noted in the 2018 Annual Report, released at the meeting, the Fund’s assets under management (AUM) reached an end of fiscal year high, totaling $64.9 billion as of June 30, 2018, comprised of $46.0 billion in the Principal of the Fund and $18.9 billion in the Earnings Reserve Account.

Callan Associates, APFC’s performance consultant, noted that APFC’s portfolio is well diversified across all major asset classes employed by institutional investors. In FY18 the Fund’s investments returned 10.74%, this strong performance puts the Total Fund in the top decile relative to other large public funds, and in the top third versus other large endowments/foundations. …

The Board of Trustees evaluated APFC’s approach to investing in Alaska and the Alaska Investment section of APFC’s Investment Policy & Procedures was amended to set forth aspirational goals for increased Alaska investment …

Furthering the interest in Alaska investment, a panel was conducted with representatives from investment firms with experience in geographically targeted emerging manager programs to inform Trustees about approaches and considerations for the development of an Alaska-based emerging manager program. The Board adopted Resolution 18-03 – RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ALASKA PERMANENT FUND CORPORATION SUPPORTING AN IN-STATE EMERGING MANAGER PROGRAM directing the Executive Director to create an In-State Emerging Manager Program. …

Full News Release:

20180927_APFC BOT Annual Meeting

APFC Annual Board of Trustees Meeting

In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Paulyn

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) will hold its Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees on September 26-27, 2018 in Anchorage, AK. The public is invited to attend this meeting in-person or by teleconference; there will be an opportunity for public comment and participation.  Agenda items include: approval of the annual audit, review of the strategic plan, the Alaska investment policy and the FY20 budget. There will also be asset class updates, a performance report from Callan Associates, an investing in global real estate panel and an investing in Alaska emerging managers panel.

SEP26-27_APFC Annual Meeting_Agenda

SEP26-27 – APFC Annual Meeting Board of Trustees Packet



In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Paulyn

Notice is hereby given that on September 5, 2018 at 3:00pm APFC will hold a meeting of the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) Selection Committee.  The CIO Selection Committee is an ad hoc committee appointed by the Board Chair under Article II, Section 5(b) of the APFC Bylaws.  Because the purpose of this meeti0ng will be to discuss the professional qualifications of the CIO candidate, under AS 44.63.130(d)(5), the Open Meetings Act does not apply to this meeting.

APFC Audit Committee Meeting & Budget Work Session

In Board of Trustees, News by Paulyn

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) will hold its Audit Committee and Board of Trustee Budget Work Session on September 6th, 2018 in Anchorage, AK. The public is invited to attend the meetings in-person or by teleconference; the Audit Committee Meeting agenda will provide an opportunity for public comment and participation.

SEP06 APFC Budget Work Session Board Packet

SEP06 Audit Committee Meeting Board Packet



In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Paulyn

Notice is hereby given that on August 28, 2018 at 10:00am, APFC will hold a meeting of the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) Selection Committee.  The CIO Selection Committee is an ad hoc committee appointed by the Board Chair under Article II, Section 5(b) of the APFC Bylaws.  Because the purpose of this meeting will be to discuss the professional qualifications of the CIO candidate, under AS 44.63.130(d)(5), the Open Meetings Act does not apply to this meeting.


In Board of Trustees, Uncategorized by Paulyn

Notice is hereby given that on August 14, 2018 at 10:00am, APFC will hold a meeting of the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) Selection Committee.  The CIO Selection Committee is an ad hoc committee appointed by the Board Chair under Article II, Section 5(b) of the APFC Bylaws.  Because the purpose of this meeting will be to discuss the professional qualifications of the CIO candidate, under AS 44.63.130(d)(5), the Open Meetings Act does not apply to this meeting.